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How to Get Front-of-the-Line Access to Desirable Homes for Sale

Wednesday May 6th, 2020


As you've probably noticed, credit card companies regularly offer bonuses to get you to apply for their cards. For example, one such card company offers opportunities to buy tickets to concerts and other events ahead of everyone else. It's their "front of the line" service. When you’re searching for a new home, wouldn't it be great if you could get to the front of the line on desirable properties – before other buyers get the chance? Well, in a way, you... [read more]

Is it Time to Re-Shingle Your Roof?

Monday Mar 16th, 2020


No matter what you think of snakes, you must agree that they have a unique way of dealing with worn-out skin. When the time comes, they simply shed it — like an old jacket — revealing a fresh new skin underneath. Your home's roof doesn't have that advantage! So, when the shingles wear out or become damaged, you need to have them replaced. Unfortunately, it's not always easy to determine whether your shingles need replacement right away, or whether you can hold off... [read more]

Cutting Down the Time it Takes to Prepare your Home For Sale

Tuesday Apr 7th, 2020


If you're thinking of listing your property, one thing that might be holding you back is concern about preparing your home for sale. You may be wondering how much work there will be. Is it going to take a couple of months? A couple of weeks? A few days? That, of course, depends on the state of your property. However, regardless of how close your home is to “show time” ready, there is plenty you can do to reduce how long that preparation takes. Consider these... [read more]

Dealing with Stress when Selling Your Home

Wednesday Mar 4th, 2020


Let's face it. Planning events, even exciting ones like an overseas vacation, can be stressful. So, it's not surprising that some homeowners — even those thrilled about moving — can slip into "worry mode" when putting their property up for sale. Unfortunately, this anxiety can make the process of selling an unpleasant experience. Who wants that? So here are some things you can do to reduce selling stress and enjoy the adventure. • Understand the selling... [read more]

The Psychology of Choosing House Paint

Tuesday May 19th, 2020


Whether you're painting your home to prepare it for sale, or simply to make it more attractive for your own enjoyment, choosing the right colour is important. A colour isn't just a matter of taste, it's also, to a large extent, about the emotions it elicits, and I think many of us forget this part. It's always a safe bet to go with soft beiges and warm grays, especially when selling your home. Neutral colours are often interpreted as reliable. I like to... [read more]

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